Mary Brown Collection
Mary (Beppy) Brown
1264 glass slides and accompanying scripts for slide shows; tickets and promotional literature; and projection equipment. Mary Brown inherited the collection from a Joseph Earl Appley. The slides date back to the early twentieth century, when Appley is presumed to have used them in some of his traveling shows.
Subjects depicted in the slides:
Advertisements - dental work
Agricultural and other industrial products and processes - fields, orchards, apples, grapefruit, grapes, peas
Strawberries from California, Colorado and Oklahoma
Kansas corn, western Canadian oat and wheat
Cows, hogs, horses, sheep and trout
Picking apples and strawberries
Dressing beef and hogs
Harvesting, plowing and reaping western Canadian oats, wheat and hay
Corn husking in Kansas
Potato digging and loading, poultry packing
Sugar factory
Tin mine trimming sausage
Art prints - Currier and Ives, religious art
Ben Hur - depicting the story and text
Flags and Maps of the US and Canada - lakes, railroads and Yellowstone Nat. Park
Man of Galilee
Medical Pictures - brain, spinal cord, lungs, intestines and stomach
Monuments of Paris
Natural and scenic wonders of the US and Canada (Yellowstone National Park, Niagara Falls, Mount Rainier, Banff and others) wildlife - bears, deer, elk, mountain goats and prairie dogs; flora - petrified trees and plant root systems
Portraits (Napoleon, Pres. Wilson, Thomas Jefferson)
Religious pictures - angels, Jesus and maps (bird's eye view of life of Christ)
Temperance propaganda and pictures - gambling party
Stomachs of various degrees of drunkards - habitual drinker, hard drinker, moderate drinker and that of a "temperance man"
Urban photographs - Nelson, British Columbia
Digby, Nova Scotia
New York City
San Diego
San Francisco - incl. the 1906 earthquake
Winnepeg - bridges, churches, harbors, homes (incl. Shakespeare's), hotels, irrigation projects, monuments
and statues, opera houses, railroad stations, world's fairs and stadiums