Dr. William Harvey Maehl Collection
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Dr. William Harvey Maehl
1400+ slides
Extensive collection of worldwide slides, primarily Europe, Mexico, South America, The Pacific and SE Asia, India, and many others.
Dr. William Harvey Maehl was a professor of European History. He was born in Brooklyn, NY in 1915 and died in Las Cruces, NM in 2017.
Dr. Maehl enjoyed a long teaching career including Texas A&M, DePaul, St. Louis University, University of Auckland and from 1968-1981 was a professor at Auburn, University where he retired as an Emeritus Professor. He also worked as an historian for the Department of Defense in the Federal Republican Germany, 1950-1952, briefing officer for the War Plans Office, 1952-1953, and as chief historian for the Artillery School, Oklahoma, with the War Plans Office in 1954.
In the 1980s Dr. Maehl moved to Las Cruces, NM, where he remained active until his death at 102.
The professional papers and publications of Dr. Maehl reside at Auburn University Special Collections and Archives. His vast collection of slides are held by IHSF.