Archive Collections J
• Jackson, Donna
Papers: WWII WAC Scrapbook - 1945
• Jackson, Elaine
Papers: Miscellaneous
Artifacts: American Legion #484 Hat
• James, Ken
Photos: Miscellaneous slides, photo albums
• James, Silvia
Papers: Envelope with Camp Cody return address, 1917
• Jameson, Pastor Gene
Papers: Letters and misc. papers found in old adobe house, 1952-1957
• Jarden, Dr George
A/V: "The Animals Christmas", 16mm Movies; Records
• Jason, Sonya
Papers: Misc. correspondence, copies of speeches, article on Proposition 187
• Jenkins, Franklin
Papers: WWI flying manual and clippings
• Jennett, Nova
Papers: Thesis by Dr. Lowell Duhrsen regarding Las Cruces, NM libraries
A/V: Sound recordings
• Jensen, Dr. Joan
Photos: Lecture slides (historical interest), travel
• Jenstrom, Col. Eino
Papers: Jenstrom, Eino (Col), Oral History
Photos: WWII
• Jett, Helen
Artifacts: Pre-Columbian pottery
• Johnson, Elizabeth
Photos: Travel, artwork
• Johnson, Richard
Papers: MSS of military career
• Johnson, Stephen
Photos: NMSU/YMCA Building - negatives and slides
• Johnson, William
Papers: WWII Navy, war correspondence (to and from)
Artifacts: US Navy
• Jones, Frank
Papers: WWII, Vietnam, military service
Photos: Military
Artifacts: Military
• Jones, Fred
Photos: WWII, Vietnam
• Jones, John Paul
Papers: Aircraft
Photos: Slides of aircraft
A/V: VHS tapes of aircraft
• Jones, Phyllis
A/V: Misc films
• Judkins, Willa Lee
Papers: WWII Diary (Copy), WAVE poster, Navy WAVE Song (Company 21)
• Julian, William
Papers: Magazines
A/V: 33 1/3 Records
• Justice, Lincoln
Photos: Slides