Archive Collections L
• Laing, Richard
Papers: Memoir of Vietnam; miscellaneous
• Lamb, The Rt. Rev. Jerry
Papers: Diocese of Northern California papers & Certificates
Photos: Diocese of Northern California
• Landis, Margaret
Papers: Ledgers re; Landis Brothers- Vietnam, Hong Kong 1957-1966
• Langston, Arnold
Papers: Notebook of war stories
• Lashley, Sue & Doug
Photos: Slides of Europe & the United States
Artifacts: Brass rubbings
• Lassiter, Mrs Darrell
Photos: Military
• Laumbach, Karl
A/V: Oral history interviews; reel film of high school football game in Roy, NM, 1961-1962
• Laurance, Michael
Photos: Photos, negatives, proofs
• Laverty, Ray
Photos: Glass negatives re: railroad train & workers, slides, railroad slides
A/V: Movies, 8mm film
• Layne, Richard
Papers: Community fallout shelter plan- Dona Ana County, Maps (William DeBoy estate) re: WWI, France, Ireland, Middle East
Artifacts: Shredded paper money, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Money Museum
• Leachman, Jedediah
Papers: Miscellaneous
Photos: Slides of polished stones; White Sands National Park
Artifacts: posters, miscellaneous; Lego model, International Space Station
• Leaton, Melani
Papers: Scrapbook & misc papers- IOOF (Rebecca Lodge)
Artifacts: IOOF quilt (Rebecca Lodge)
• Lee, The Rev. James Hervey
Papers: Sermons 19th & 20th centuries
• Leffler-Donawa, Hide
A/V: The William Donawa Estate: VHS tapes, DVDs & CDs
• Leiby, Arthur
Papers: Miscellaneous
• Leonard, Carl and Lee Anngott Leonard
A/V: Clacy Leonard Collection of sound recordings.
• Lessman, Mary
Photos: Travel slides & photographs- Salsberry Estate
• Letchers, Savad
A/V: Miscellaneous Phonograph records in Arabic
• Lewis, Abby Seymour
Papers: Theatre, radio, film, NYC; Mesilla Park, NM
Photos: re: The Arts
Audio: re: The Arts
• Lewis, Beulah Lewis Smith
Papers: Lewis Family, Mesilla Park, NM
Photos: Lewis Family, Mesilla Park, NM
• Lewis, Sue Lewis Wimberly
Papers: Lewis Family, Mesilla Park, NM
• Lewis, Hunter Weymouth
Papers: Lewis Family, Mesilla Park, NM
• Lewis, Edy Lou Macdonald
Papers: Lewis Family, Mesilla Park, NM
Photos: Lewis Family, Mesilla Park, NM
• Lierz, Virginia Lee
Photos: Life-time collection of slides and prints, many framed
• Ligon, Carla
Photos: Special Olympics, Las Cruces (copies)
• Ligon, David
Papers: David Lore, 1906-1918
• Lindsay, Tom
A/V: The Estate of Ron Lindsay: movies (VHS & CDs; audio tapes; records (vinyl)
• Lindsley, Kenneth
Photos: Lunal Lander Stereo slides; family photos
A/V: Reel films and audio reel of family
• Lipson, Charlotte
Papers: New Yorker Magazine (3), New York Review (4)
Photos: Slides of Belize, Costa Rica, New Mexico, and Juarez, Dia de los Muertos (Mesilla)
• Lipson, Enoch
Photos: Slides, world travels, primarily Eastern Europe
Artifacts: Political pins
• Lister, Mercedes
Papers: Misc. documents
Photos: President Kennedy with Ahmed Sukarno, President of Indonesia
• Lockwood, Bob
Photos: Scanned photos of Lincoln County, Billy the Kid
A/V: Sound Records
• Logan, Cal
Papers: Miscellaneous
• Longenecker, Louise
Photos: Slides & Photos
A/V: LPs
• Longsdon, Dorothy George
Photos: The Estate of Rev. Louis Cockram Ashley: photo albms
• Lory, Lt. Col. Robert
Papers: Military
Photos: WWII
• Low, Helen
Papers: Miscellaneous
• Lozier, Jean & Leroy
Papers: Oral History transcript re: Early Years, Memories of Preacher Lewis transcript, Copies of Union High Las Cruces, The American - 1936, Boy Scout Handbook - 1959
Artifacts: Maps, Framed of Southern New Mexico, Las Cruces - 1941, Army Corps maps of Mexico
• Lucero, Mary Ann
Photos: Family Slides
• Lundie, Sgt Edward
Papers: WWII
• Lutz, The Rev. Jeanne
Papers: Doctoral project, St. Paul's history
• Lwowski, Walter
A/V: Classical records
• Lyon, Oscar
Papers: Masonic, ASCE, misc.
Photos: Arizona
• Lytton, Joanne
Papers: Miscellaneous regarding St. James Episcopal Church, Mesilla, NM