Archive Collections P


• Pacheco, Leopaldo "Paul"
Papers: Military

• Padilla, Stephanie
Papers: The estate of Elizabeth Ross Lackmann and Ross/Everitt/Lackmann families: travel guides; greeting cards; panio music; headliner newspaper; Episcopal Church records
A/V: home movie reels; audio cassettes of sermons

• Page, Dennis
A/V: CD, Lordsburg and Hatch, N.M. Internment Camps

• Paine, John
Papers: war letters; greeting cards; ledger
Photos: B&W prints
A/V: LP records

• Parker, E.
Photos: Miscellaneous

• Parker, Tim
Papers: Elsie Barry collection of postcards; WWI U.S. Army Signal Corps letters; Baptism & Confirmation certificates for Elsie Caroline Price by Preacher Lewis, Mesilla Park, NM
Photos: prints
A/V: Phonograph records

• Parra, Chito
Papers: Re: Rio Grande and area

• Parsons, Harold H.
Photos: Slides of domestic and foreign travel, 1939-1980s
A/V: Films of domestic and foreign travel, 1939-1980s; audio reels and cassettes including many that narrate the films

• Patterson, Clare
Photos: Family Films

• Patton, Jim
Papers: Prints of Hiram Hadley, NMSU
Photos: Aerial of Las Cruces, Pan Am Center

• Patton Revocable Trust, Juanita E
Photos: Travel slides given by Charles & Nina Schwartz

• Paulson, Karen
Photos: Randy Cahall and baby David

• Pearlstein, Donald
Artifacts: Spike allegedly from bridge over River Kwai, with information

• Pearson, Bruce
Photos: U.S. Holland submarine, 1901

• Peck, Magery
Artifacts: child's rocking chair, ca. 1888

• Pelking, Scott
Papers: Ecclesiastical, Diocese of The Rio Grande

• Pell, Steve
Artifacts: Pell Family muniments, beer steins, Bibles; painting of Family genealogy

• Pendergast, William (Sr.)
Papers: Re: Howard Johnson Restaurants

• Pendergrass, Pat and Mary Lou
Photos: Negatives
AV: Records

• Persson, Virginia
Papers: Scrapbooks, pamphlets, newspapers, sheet music, etc.
Photos: Miscellaneous slides and photos; Postcards;
A/V: Miscellaneous
Artifact: Carnival Glass Bowl; Leather Helmet

• Peterson, Robert
Papers: "Fraser Valley Memoirs"

• Peticolas, Bob & Yvette
Photos: Abby Lewis' funeral reception, La Posta

• Pfaeffle, Felix
Papers: "Once Enemies, Now Friends" by C.Miles and F. Pfaeffle, notebooks
Photos: Otero Mesa, Soledad Canyon, DACHS Banquet, slides, Amador Hotel, aerospace photos, slides on "History of Rocketry"
A/V: Zhul petrified wood/ fossil collection at NMSU library, Titan launch site, records, radio broadcast
Artifacts: Maps of Switzerland

• Pfeifer, Charles & Betty
Photos: Slides of Disneyland, Rome, Italy, the Vatican

• Phelps, D.L.
Photos: Geography slides re: northwestern Europe & Far East

• Phillips, Bart
Papers: Postcards
A/V: VHS tapes

• Phillips, Dr. John
Photos: World travel & family

• Phillips, Stephen and Mary
Papers: Misc. correspondence
Photos: prints and slides
A/V: LP's re: William Jennings Bryan & Pearl Harbor, General Douglas MacArthur talk to Congress; films

• Phoenk, C
Photos: Slides

• Picht, Douglas
A/V: Tapes

• Pick, Dr. Robert (Bob)
Papers: Copies of History of Las Cruces and the Mesilla Valley, Dona Ana County survey maps & index, manuscript for California Gold Rush Letters
Photos: Misc slides
Microfiche: Mid-19th century letters (John B Hiberd)

• Picture Frame Outlet Factory
Photos: Three photographic prints

• Pierce, Joy
Papers: Peter Hurd brochure of paintings

• Pierce, Patricia S
Papers: Lake Valley, NM

• Pike, Ruthann
Papers: Genealogies
Photos: Misc prints

• Piland, Doyle
Papers: Research regarding St. Catherine's Monastery in the Sinai, Egypt

• Pirtle, Paul
A/V: Miscellaneous
Papers: Miscellaneous

• Poeter, Mrs Horace
Papers: Horace Poeter architecture papers

• Polley, Helen
A/V: Records

• Ponce, Michael
Papers: Artwork sketches

• Ponder, Helen
Papers: Political 1980's-90's

• Popp, Daniel
Photos: antique photos

• Popp, Michael & Julia
Papers: Model railway, airplane, carpentry, WWII manuals, Navy training
Photos: Railway, automobiles, WWII, Fort Dix WWI photo, New Mexico, East Coast, Alaska, Arizona, ships, Hoagland Rd- Las Cruces, NM; 1961, glass negatives, trees in New Jersey, Nike Hercules rocket, Pat Garrett Family photos & tombstones, World Trade Center - 1985

• Porcher, Elinor Stoney
Papers: Ecclesiastical

• Porter, Bill & Caryl
Papers: Letters, music, yearbooks, correspondence of 1918
Photos: Photo Album
A/V: Miscellaneous cassettes and VHS tapes

• Potts, Alice Heard
Papers: Henry Heard Papers

• Poulos, Jo Ann
Papers: Preacher Lewis, Mesilla Valley, NM

• Power, Anne
Papers: travel brochures

• Power, Ted
A/V: CD of music "Captivity" recorded in late 1970s - early 1980s in Las Cruces, NM

• Preston, Sumner
Photos: Slides, Negatives
A/V: Records, LPs

• Pretti, Brad
Papers: Ecclesiastical
Photos: Ecclesiastical
A/V: Videos

• Pribble, Dr Wayne
Photos: Microfilm
A/V: CDs with transcription of correspondence 1824-1927

• Price, Joan E
A/V: VHS tape: "Our Town: Alamogordo" KRWG-TV (copy)

• Prichard, Dennis & Kathy
Photos: Miscellaneous

• Priestly, Charlotte
Papers: Stamp albums, Jesse A. Isaaks papers - 1900
Photos: family slides

• Priestley, Gene
Papers: Opal Lee Priestley manuscripts and papers

• Priestly, Lee
Papers: Manuscripts of "Journeys of Faith"

• Prince, Gov. L Bradford
Papers: Ecclesiastical correspondence

• Pritchard, Kathy
Papers: Preacher Lewis
Photos: Preacher Lewis

• Pupulidy, A
A/V: 8mm film round the world tour - B36 in Saudi Arabia

• Putnam, James & Delores
Papers: Actual teletype of Kennedy assassination, 1963



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