Archive Collections M
• Mabie, Virginia
Paper: Books
Photos: Slides, Albums & Photos
A/V: Records
• MacCallum, Spencer
Papers: Factory records, American Propeller Manufacturing Co.; Family, including Spencer Heath
Photos: Paragon propellers; Spencer Heath; family
A/V: Oral histories of propellers; Juan Quezeda pottery
Artifacts: Model airlpanes; model trains
• Macdonald, Edy Lou
Papers: Copy of Hunter Lewis journals, materials on Abby Lewis, paper on Lewis family in IOOF cemetery
Photos: Albums
• MacDonald, Jerry
Papers: Books & Map "Preserved in Stone"
• Mace, Shirley
Papers: Book "Vintage Silhouettets on Glass Reverse Paintings"
Photos: Slides
• Mackin, Tom
A/V: Episcopal Church
Artifacts: Framed paintings & photos, Episcopal churches (various)
• Maddox, Howard
Artifacts: Paintings, Prints of North American Aviation
• Madrid, Jane Holden
Artifacts: "Cloth of Gold", processional liturgical garment
• Maehl, William
Photos: Slides
• Maley, Wayne
Photos: Vintage slides
A/V: Films & tapes regarding the USS RimLift System for shipment of fruits & vegetables
• Maltby, Dr. Gregory
Papers: Las Cruces, NM, Ecclesiastical
• Mapes, Bo
Papers: Episcopal Church "Office of the Bishop"
• Marble, Robert
Papers: Military Papers
• Marckstadt, Tim
A/V: Family films
• Marcus, Mel
Photos: San Marcial
• Marek, Shila
Papers: Miscellaneous
Photos: Miscellaneous
Artifacts: Painting, Orginal Hoover's Cabinet
• Marek, Thomas
Photos: Herbert Hoover's Cabinet (copy)
• Marino, Brother Bernard
Papers: Pamphlets relating to Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery
A/V: CDs
• Marlin, Joe
Photos: Slides re: Aggie Parades, Old Las Cruces
• Marquardt, Robert
Papers: Ration books and stamps
Photos: Slides
• Marsh, Cheryl
Photos: Family & Travel
• Marsh, Dr Carol
Papers: Miscellaneous
• Marsh, Thomas F
Photos: Slides; prints; postcards
A/V: Film
Artifacts: Leather working tools & slab
• Marshall, Sandy
Papers: Advertising packet re: Valmora Sanatorium - 1940's, field notes
• Marsowicz, Daniel
Papers: Master's Thesis: "Shalem Utopia as the Dream Unfolds"
• Martin, David C
Photos: Slides including Boy Scouts, family, domestic, and Holy Land travels; postcards
Artifacts: Campaign & special event pins
• Martin, Fr Robert
Papers: Ecclesiastical
• Martin, Edward
Papers: Military
A/V: Military - Korean War
• Martin, Gene (Dr)
Papers: Geographic materials
Photos: Geographical, Oregon
• Martin, Jim & Mary Ann
Papers: Ranching deeds & papers
• Martin, Judge James, Sr.
Papers: Miscellaneous
• Martin, Naomi
Papers: family and Ecclesiastical
Photos: Slides & Photos
• Martin, The Rev Fr William
Papers: Diplomas, certificates, tributes, programs, etc.
Photos: Slides, prints, negatives, many relating to Episcopal Church
• Martin, Robert
Photos: Ecclesiastical, NM
• Martinetz, David Friedrich
A/V: 8mm films
Photos: Slides
• Mather, Dr. Eugene (Cotton) & Julia
Papers: Geographical; Publications Geographical books
Photos: Geographical
Artifacts: Bead Necklaces, Pre-Columbian Onyx
• Matkin, Tommy
Papers: Miscellaneous
Photos: Slides
• Matray, Dr. James
Papers: NMSU History Dept. & Faculty Senate; Far-East Studies; Professional papers
• Mauer, Mitchell
Photos: Military
• Mauer, Patricia
Photos: Picture album - late 1880's
• Maunsell, John
Papers: Scrapbooks, personal papers
• Maxwell, Barbra Seddon
Photos: Aztec, NM 1956
• Mayfield, Ellis O
Papers: Ecclesiastical
• Mayfield, Susan
Papers: Ecclesiastical
• Maynez-McDonald, Reyalene
Papers: News clippings; acceptance of the Statue of Dennis Chavez March 31, 1966
Photos: The Estate of Jose Oscar and Juliet Rivera Maynez, slides & prints
• McAhon, Col Jack Estate
Photos: Military
• McArthur, Ray (Daughters)
Photos: Black & white negatives
• McCandless, Dennis H
Papers: Military (copies)
• McCarter, Thomas K
Photos: Greenland - WWII
• McCarthy, Betty J
Photos: Negatives
• McClain, Karin
Artifacts: 1915 Baptismal dress; clothing, late 1800s to early 1900s
• McClelland, Sue
Papers: Brochures & notes from trips
Photos: slides & CDs of travel
• McCune, Bernie
A/V: Miscellaneous tapes
• McDermott, Linda
Papers: "O'Keefe" program
• McDermott, Sherry
Papers: Miscellaneous
• McDowell, John
Papers: John Birch Society
• McFarland, The Rev. Earl
A/V: Navy Sonar Tape (from reel to reel)
• McGinnis, Anne
Papers: Estate of Col. James R. Carter WWII documents
Photos: Slides
A/V: Video cassettes
Artifacts: Pins
• McGowan, The Very Rev. Canon Carole
Papers: Estate of William Arthur McGowan
• McGregor, Carlton H.
Papers: St. Luke's- Deming
• McKinney, Daniel
Photos: McKinney family stores
• McPherson, Dr. Robert
Papers: Diary, manuscripts
Photos: Slides, photographs
• McVay, Amanda
Paper: Re: Veterans History Project
• Meerscheidt., Stuart
Papers: Manuscript by Charlie Saul; Notebook Central Burma, Southern Berma, India, China by Leroy Fisher
Photos: Slides ca. 1947-1949, 1951
• Meikrantz, Frances
Photos: Misc
• Meissner, William L.
Papers: Manuscript- Life as a G.I.: Memories of a Common Soldier
Photos: Slides of flowers of New Mexico and Minnesota- 1960-
• Melton, Byron K
Papers: Dr. John Melton
Photos: Slides Clinical dental slides of Dr. Melton
• Melton, Lewis
Photos: Slides of the Soviet Union - 1988
Artifacts: Soviet Union - 1988
• Memorial Medical Center Foundation
Photos: Slides, Scrapbooks 1989-2003
• Mesilla Valley Oral History Club
Papers: Miscellaneous, stamps
• Meston, Harvey
Photos: Travel Agency slides
• Metz, Dru & Larry
Photos: Las Cruces Viaduct, 1955
• Meyer, Terry
Papers: Regional Medical History, including Mesilla Valley Hospice, Las Cruces, NM
• Miles, Bill & Pat
Photos: Misc.
A/V: films
• Miles, Charles
Papers: Manuscript Once Enemies, Now Friends; Dona Ana County Historical Society miscellaneous papers; Posters of Jimmy Allen; Original funny paper from the Sun Telegram, San Bernadino
Photos: re: Jimmy Allen, Lou Gehrig
• Millard, George
Papers: Peace Corps, aviation; Lactona Brushes; Newspaper clippings re: Walter Mondale celebration; Maps; Badlands, SD; Posters and reprints
Photos: Peace Corps, Peru
A/V: family films- 8mm reels, various VHS & audio cassettes
Artifacts: Pre-Columbian artifacts, textiles, travel posters, cowhides, prints re: Peru, Ecuador, Guatemala, Uruguay
• Miller, Athol
Photos: Immaculate Heart of Mary scrapbooks - 1993 to 2001 (Las Cruces, NM); Episilon Sigma Alpha President's scrapbooks
Artifacts: Episilon Sigma Alpha President's artifacts
• Miller, Laura
Photos: Travel Slides
• Miller, Stanley
Photos: Slides & Images
• Milligan, Fr Michael
Photos: Ecclesiastical
• Miracle, Elizabeth Turney
Papers: Correspondence, Scrapbooks
• Mitchell, John
Papers: Misc
Photos: Misc photos & slides
A/V: 8mm movies
• Momsen, Beatrice (Bibi)
Papers: Brazil & travels, Scrapbook of Graf Zeppelin, manuscripts, correspondence
Photos: Foreign travels, MacArthur School, Las Cruces, NM Travel Slides by Frederick C. Stone, Denmark, Mexico
Artifacts: Inuit and other foreign artifacts
• Monroe, Cynthia
Photos: Ecclesiastical - Seminary Scrapbook
• Moore, Ann
Papers: Photos, scrapbook
• Moore, James
Photos: Jack Scott slides, Mary Moore slides
A/V: Tapes
• Moore, Walt
Papers: Estate of R. Gilbert Moore papers, clippings, & posters relating to U.S. Space program
Photos: Slides, prints, & negatives relating to U.S. Space program
A/V: recordings
Artifacts: Badges, muniments
• Moorer, Ruth & Lincoln Justice
Papers: Pictures for teaching (40 years), misc papers
Photos: Slides-World Travel
• Mormon, Charles
A/V: DVD - vintage aircraft
• Mott, John
Papers: Vietnam- training manuals, papers
Photos: Vietnam- Landing Zone uplift photos
A/V: 8mm reels re: Vietnam, Alaska; digital video containing biographical account of military service in Vietnam, Dec 27, 1967
Artifacts: Vietnam- Med kit, army uniform, Viet Cong black pajamas
• Moulder, Catherine Hanna
Papers: Clippings re: Las Cruces area; Miscellaneous; notes regarding the Rev. Mr. Richard Lundberg and hospice
A/V: Miscellaneous
Artifacts: Preacher Lewis baptismal caps
• Mullenax, Lidia
Papers: Chas Mullenax re: veterinary medicine
Photos: Misc
• Muller, Denise
A/V: LPs & Cassettes
• Mulholland, Lynn
Photos: Album, Postcards, Scrapbooks, Slides
• Munro, William A
Papers: Military
Artifacts: Drafting tools
• Murrell, Scott
Photos: Misc
Artifacts: Astronomy items, Boy Scout uniforms
• Myers, Barbara
Papers: Letters, Postcards