Archive Collections R
• Raford Studios
Photos: Prints
• Raffi, Valice
Papers: Travel pamphlets; postcards from grandmother in N. Dakota
Photos: N. Dakota, family
• Raffi, Valice
Artifacts: Miscelleanous from Nort Dakota
• Rayman, Harold
Papers: Manuscript
Photos: Prints
• Reed, Donovan
Papers: WWII
Photos: WWII
• Rees, John
Papers: Maldon Institute
• Reilly, Dr. Marie
Papers: The Estate of Dr. Marie Reilly including personal papers; daily journals; poems, essays & books authorde by Dr. Reilly; papers relating to 9/11
Photos: prints & slides of family and travel
Artifacts: vases, sculpture, art work
• Revling, Lorraine
Photos: WWII
• Reynolds, Betty
A/V: Ecclesiastical sermons - The Rev. B Taylor
• Rhodes, Allen
A/V: Reels
• Richey, Chuck
Photos: Slides - Japan
• Richter, Suzanne
Papers: Military Retirement program
Photos: Milirary portrait
• Ridder, John W
Photos: Ecclesiastical
• Riebe, Fr Norman
Papers: Grandfather's diary (copy)
A/V: Microfiche: Heberd/Kent family letters (1842-1952)
• Rishel, Alan
A/V: Audio Tapes
• Ritch, Dr. Alden
Photos: Lincoln County War (1878-1879)
• Ritter, Buddy
Papers: Letters
Photos: Military portrait
• Roach Jr, Paul A
Papers: WWII
• Roberts, Becky
Papers: Methodist instruction manual of Zenas Roberts
• Roberts, Marty
Photos: NMSU Panhellenic scrapbook & photos
• Roegge, Daria
Papers: WWII nursing papers
Photos: WWII nursing photos
• Rogers, Charles
A/V: Family films (1933-1962)
• Rogers, Joseph
Papers: Military- WWII
Photos: Slides detailing the circus (clowns, wagons, performers, etc.)
• Rogers, Phyllis
Photos: Miscellaneous
• Rollag, Tom
Photos: Aerial
• Root, Ted
Papers: Manuscript
Photos: Misc
• Rose, Charles
Papers: WWII
Photos: WWII
• Ross, Father Edmund
Papers: Miscellaneous
• Ross, Jan
Papers: TRW
Photos: Family
• Ross, Robert
Papers: Miscellaneous
• Roundtree Cotton Gin - Charles & William Tharp
Artifacts: Maps: Framed (21" x 34")
• Roush, Judy
Papers: Music
• Ruedt von Collenberg, Judith
Papers: Books: Extensive library of World War II
• Ruetzel, Herbert
Artifacts: Drill found in Damascus Syria - antique, wooden
• Ruggles, Dr. Richard
Photos: Slides-Russian
• Rummel, Jack
A/V: Miscellaneous
• Runyan, Marilyn
Photos: 19th century photos of Zuni Pueblo & Indian camps
• Rutherford, Vincent A
Papers: "The Rutherford Repent" 1979 memoir
Photos: Slides
A/V: Reels
• Ruthven, Father Scott
Papers: Miscellaneous
• Ryan, Dorothy
Papers: Thesis on Bishop Howden (microfiche)
• Ryer, Joseph
A/V: Records